Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wintertime Crafting Fever

When it's cold outside it puts me in the mood for making things, so I dusted off my crochet hooks, and crafting cupboard and got to work.
The day after Thanksgiving the girls and I made charm bracelets-

Miss B has become somewhat of a Harry Potter Fanatic
so hers featured her two favorite people in the world
(the world of pretend anyway)
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.

Miss K likes all things Big Sister likes, so along the same theme
hers was of her favorite HP character Hermione.

Very distinctly having a mind of her own on all things, Miss M wanted hers
made with Olivia the Pig, which has become one of her favorite shows.
She LOVES Olivia, and I have to admit the theme song is pretty catchy.

Some cute little crocheted baby boots for my newest niece.

A fun Turkey hair clip for Miss M to wear on Thanksgiving.

A little Ballerina Bear Ami for my Niece.

I wanted to display the kids art work so I came up with this fun project,
it has their picture, name, and a list of their favorite things.

Flowers for Miss M's hair/headbands, this are very quick,
easy and addictive to make, kind of like chocolate.

She wanted to see how many she could get on her
headband, silly girl :)

A place was then needed to put all the newly crafted hair lovelys.

Since it is winter I thought a few new hats were appropriate-

Miss M's Sock Monkey Hat
I love sock monkeys <3

Miss B's hat, she is to "old" for silly hats :P

Miss K's Sleepy Owl hat-

And seeing how the Boy is in his first year of middle school,
I thought it best to not to torture him with a cute new winter hat ;)

Miss B's birthday gift for one of her HP Fanatical friends,
it's nice that there is someone other than me that she can discuss all
things Harry Potter with. My ears get tired.

So that's what I have been up too, that and trying to figure out a good menu system. If any of you have one that you use and love I need tips.

On a more serious note, my Husband is doing well, great actually, he is now officially considered in remission for this episode. And is feeling pretty good most of the time. Thank you all so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers, they are much appreciated. We are getting things figured out now, and it's starting to feel like we know a bit more what to expect, which helps alot.