Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Secret Obsession

OK, so it's not REALLY a secret, pretty much everyone who knows me knows! That I am obsessed with Scrapbooking. The books, magazines, papers, adhesives, inks, chalk, paints, embellishments, strings, scissors, punches, not to mention the endless taking of pictures, scrap parties, scrap nights, the corner (oh alright fine, HALF)
of the family room that is taken over by my STUFF, as the man calls it. I can't help it, seriously, it's an addiction. An incurable one, or so I tell Hubby. I try to support my habit by teaching classes, and selling pre-made mini books (of which I will post a pic when I get more made, I am happily sold out at the moment!). Of course I did get some dirty looks the other day when he had to pick up $40, cringe, worth of pictures from Costco for me. I had to greatly assure him, wink wink, that I only get pictures developed rarely. Being that as it may having 4 children there is a huge wealth of photos & photo opportunities and very little time to indulge in my obsession. (my B-day gift every year is one whole day to myself alone to scrapbook :) So whenever I manage to squeak in enough time to get a page done, I am happy indeed :)


  1. I have a confession to make. I don't scrapbook. At all. I've never done it.

    I guess I consider my blog my scrapbook. But yours look great!

  2. Thanks! It's my stress outlet I guess :)

  3. My wife used to scrapbook a lot. She did about three or four scrapbooks, including one of our wedding. But she hasn't scrapbooked at all in like five years. I like the scrapbooks and it's such a nice way to keep memories and all, much better than a regular photo album. Oh well. Hopefully she gets back into it but I'm not holding my breath.
