Sunday, December 7, 2008

The letter P

I am excited to join in this game, I got my letter from Pam, if you wanna play check out her posting here
Today's post is brought to you by the letter "F"
I am suppose to list 10 of my Favorite things that start with the letter P . So here it goes-

#1- Play- I love to play with my kiddo's, & I love to play board games, & card games.

#2- Plants- I love plants, all kinds.

#3- Polka's- I love to dance the Polka & I secretly love polka music ;)

#4- Pinto Beans- They are my Favorite Bean, very versatile.

#5- Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie- need I say more, yum :)

#6- Pockets- I love pockets, I have to have them in my skirts even. Kid pockets often have great treasures in them, I find them when I take things out of the dryer.

#7- Pillows- New ones to be exact, & lots of them.

#8- Purple- especially with Green.

#9- Parfaits- yogurt, granola, & berries, good stuff.

#10- Pairs- I believe everything should be in pairs, probably why I have 4 children instead of 3, I don't like things to be uneven.


  1. Great post! Love it - especially #10! ;)

  2. I love anything with peanut butter in it!

  3. Great list Lisa! LOVE peanut butter!...and everyone we know says we can't stop at 5 children..need to have one more to make it even. :) Maybe when my oldest 3 are over 16 I'll consider it. he he he. :)

  4. Thanks Christine! Hi Kristina! PB should be its own food group :)
    Pam thanks so much for helping me figure out how to do the link thing ( i'm sure it has a real name :) Yeah, I don't know maybe you should wait until the youngest 3 are over 16, that's our plan (mine is to wait it out and hope my Hubby forgets he wanted more!) :)
