Saturday, January 10, 2009

Do Kids Eat Cauliflower Soup???

That is what my Husband asked when he heard my plans for dinner, after which he quickly added how sorry he was that he would be working late and, sadly, would have to miss it. Well I wasn't quite sure if MY kids would eat it- but- I thought it sounded good & that it was worth a try. I was really slacking on the camera thing but I did get a few pictures.
Here is Picture #1-
This is the Chicken Stock, & Cauliflower pieces cooking-

Picture #2- is of the finished product :)

Now to Test it on the Children (insert Evil Witch Cackle here)

Kid #1-

Wow a thumbs up!

Kids #2 & #3-

Two more thumbs up!

OK now onto the pickiest no-veggie eating......

(Please ignore the funny look on her face, it really had nothing to do with the fact that her
Mother was making her eat a soup make of Cauliflower)

IT'S A MIRACLE ! A thumbs up here too!!!!!!

And in finishing I just want to say that some went back for seconds AND there were NO leftovers! So to answer the question-
yes! yes! yes! Kids DO eat Cauliflower Soup :)


  1. I love cauliflower! Sounds delicious!

  2. Looks good! Now only if I could get my husband to et it...(trust me, HE won't!)

    Great minds think alike! I made a cauliflower soup today too - Inspired by PioneerWoman's recent post, but I lightened it up and used Garlic Roasted Cauliflower from Allrecipes. Should be on my blog tomorrow - hope you can check it out! :)

  3. Love the pics! Plus, the fact that they were all thumbs up makes it a great success story!

    That's quite adventerous. I couldn't even get my girls to try broccoli soup :(

  4. mmmmm. have I mentioned my unnatural love for the cauliflower?
    my kids will eat it too which just means that our kids rock!! : )
    great job on having a yummy veggie soup AND kid success... that is the true test of any food!! : )

  5. Yeah part of the getting them to eat it was to NOT tell them what it was, it was JUST soup ;) LB Broccoli Cheddar soup is next on my list I'm keeping my fingers crossed, I think it will be harder to talk them into trying :)
    I will have to check out pioneer woman's & will be watching for your post Christine! :)
    Thames, Veggie eating kiddo's definitely rock :) It sometimes takes a lot of push at our house. Thanks for all the great comments Everyone!

  6. Recipe!! Did you just boil it in chicken broth? Fill me in!

  7. I looked all over for a recipe & didn't find much. So I kind of combined a couple. I minced 3 cloves garlic, 1/2 onion- saute them in a couple T. olive oil then add the chopped the cauliflower- 1 whole head, then 1 qt. chicken stock & bring to a boil. Added salt & pepper. When the Cauliflower was soft I took the pan off the stove & added 1/2 fresh grated Parm. cheese, then blended it smooth. When I make it again I think I will use Pioneer woman's recipe & blend it up. I felt like this one needed some more depth of flavor.
