Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things about ME

Some of my bloggy friends have been posting this, so I decided to take on the challenge. The challenge is to come up with 25 things about yourself that others may/or may not want to know. So here goes-

1- I learned to drive a stick shift when I was 11, I grew up on/near several working farms/ranches. Those of us who couldn't heave and stack hay bales onto the truck as well as the older stronger kids were recruited to driving the truck. This was great until you reached say 13 and were bumped out of your spot by a 9 year old.

2- I am married to one of my best friends, we have been friends since we were 12. All through junior high & high school we would complain about our dates to each other, we hung out. We didn't date until after we were both 18. We dated for 6 months then we got married.

3- I had 3 children by the age of 23, while I am glad I have them, I wouldn't recommend that course of action for anyone. It was hard on my body, spirit,mind & marriage.

4- I am the middle child of 7. And I LOVE each and everyone of my siblings, they are all amazing people. I'm not saying they don't have their moments, cause we all do, but I love them each to pieces.

5-My favorite animal is the horse. I had 3 of them growing up, I really wanted to train horses when I grew up. I am now realizing that in order for that dream to have worked I probably should have married a rancher/cowboy instead of a chemistry nerd. lol, oh well maybe someday, when I actually grow up ;)

6- I was home schooled for most of my school years, I graduated when I was 16 & went to college when I was 17 for 1 year, I was a Dance major/ English minor.

7- I have had a gray patch of hair since I was a kid, I guess I fell off of something & hit my head & that is what they think caused that. So as the result of that I have been dyeing my hair since I was twelve.

8- I love gardening, and growing things, when we have our own place my Hubby is going to build me a green house, I am really excited about that.

9- I am a miracle baby in a sense, after my parents had my 2 older sisters my dad had a vasectomy. Seven years later they joined a religion that made them think they shouldn't have done that, so he had it reversed and they had 5 more children. One of which was me.

10- I love to cook, I have been cooking since I was a kid. I did some cooking in 4-h when I was little. Also when I was 12 my Mom became really sick & I started cooking more for the family. One of my older sisters owns a catering company & I have spent a lot time helping her so that has taught me a lot too.

Wow this is getting harder to come up with things!

11- I love the color green, probably 3/4 of my wardrobe is green. & I buy a lot of green clothes for my kids too! :)

12- I enjoy creating things, clothing, crafts, food.

13- I am a peacemaker, I don't care who's right or wrong as long as everyone is happy. I like for people to be happy.

14- I like to be alone. I love the quiet & solitude of being all alone. lol, probably because I don't have to be stressed out keeping everyone happy if I'm all alone! :)

15- I am computer challenged, this blog has been a HUGE step into the world of electronics and computers for me.

16- One of my favorite things to drink is buttermilk, it's weird I know, but my mom, my brother & two of my sisters drink it too! One of my girls likes it now also!

17- Even weirder I don't like to drink milk, I will dip cookies in it once in a blue moon- cause I'm not big on cookies either, but I don't like to drink it. Part of my problem I think is because of growing up milking cows & goats.

18- I have raised many goats, when I was 8 I got my first goat. I delivered her first baby, and all others after that. I also milked her myself twice a day for the next 8 years. After her first baby, she then had twins every year and would only take one so I had a lot of experience bottle feeding.

19- I am part Irish, so that is one of our naming things for our children, they all had to have Irish names.

20-My Dad named me, my Mom couldn't come up with anything so my Dad named me using a similar name of his favorite Aunt. He says I remind him of her cause I'm so sweet :)

21- I am a paranoid person, I worry about everything there could possibly be to worry about, it drives my Hubby insane :)

22- After 5 years of marriage & 3 children my Hubby left me and moved 3 states away. I was a single Mom of 3 for almost a year. Two days before our divorce was final we got back together, it was a very life changing experience for me. Learning to stand up for myself was one of the biggest things I learned, and am still working on :)

23- I love the internet! There is nothing you can't find/ or learn about with the internet! Wow, I don't know what people did before! lol

24- I LOVE to read, I have been reading forever. I can't remember I time when I couldn't read,
my absolute favorite thing to do is curl up with a good book and a blanket.

25- I would much rather be cold than warm. When I was a kid I would sleep with my window open all year long.

OK I'm done, they got kind of short but I was trying to get through it, that was HARD! Kudos to all of you who have done one!


  1. I love that you have been dying your hair since you were 12!

  2. I do it myself too, lol :) One of my cousins that is close to my age used to do it for me a lot when we were teens.

  3. Ok, so this is totally weird. I have had gray since I was 12 too! I don't have a spot, I just have a "peppering." I stopped dying it when I became pregnant with my second daughter. I don't know why...I just stopped. I like it now. After reading your post, I seriously think that you and I could be great friends...we have a LOT in common...seriously, a LOT! It was great to read!!!!

  4. great list!
    it is way harder than you think it will be right? : )
    I ended up thinking about mine much more than I thought i would too... is it too personal..not enough..
    but you did great! : )

  5. I have a grey patch of hair, too (my mother has had one, since she was a girl - bad genes! LOL). Fortunately, it is covered by the hair that are on top of it, so I don´t have to dye it. Good job with the list! :)

  6. That was so much fun to read! I'm with you on your interests, reading and cooking especially. And worrying? Yeeeeeeesss! Sometimes I think the only time I can stop worrying is when everyone is home and I can see them and know what they're doing. But then I start worrying about my aging parents, bills I need to pay, it goes on and on! My cell phone is seriously never more than a few feet away of from me in case there's an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me. Maybe we should start a club or a support group!!

  7. lol, I keep my cell next to my bed at night for that same reason! There really should be a support group for us! :)
    The gray gene, lol, mine is right on the top of my head of course. Christi I have thought that so many times reading your blog, we have a lot of shared thoughts I think, I just read your lion & tigers post, lol, I can't sleep during storms either!! If it's day time I love it, if it's night I lay there worrying about the end of the world! :)

  8. I am having the colonoscopy because I've had some symptoms they want to check out. i think if there were no symptoms, I wouldn't have one. It's totally freaking me out. The nurse that called from the office yesterday wrote "give her extra sedatives" on my chart. I hope they knock me out! lol

  9. lol, that's how I would feel too!

  10. Thanks for sharing! We have a lot in common, except for the buttermilk,you're not big on cookies?????? WOW. now I may have to rethink things here... or maybe I like cookies TOO much. hmmm {{scratching head and walking away puzzled}}

  11. Ok, It has to be a REALLY good cookie, or i'm not touching it :) My favorite cookie would be pumpkin :)

  12. That was interesting, I keep advoiding the 25 thing list..I feel like I would be boring.

    But I find them interesting to read.
    That amazing that your hubby and you work through things and you are strong now. Do not take that for granted.
    There is always hope that you can someday be a horse trainer.

  13. Marriage is truly the hardest thing ever, for me anyway. It seems to be something I have to work at everyday. The hardest thing when we were apart was that I felt like I'd lost my best friend.
