Thursday, April 23, 2009

Officially Old

Ten years ago today I became a Mom, my little man is 10 years old :( It's a happy sad kind of thing. He is such a great kid, thoughtful, kind, helpful, My little Thinker. He is going to be a scientist or inventor is what he always tells me. It seems like yesterday he was born, I remember waiting and waiting for him, I was so anxious. I don't know how many times I folded and refolded his little clothes, or repacked my bag to take to the hospital! And after he came home his Daddy & I loved to just sit and watch him sleep. Worried about his choice of cupcakes being "uncool" he decided that brownies were a pretty safe thing to take school for his Birthday treat, Mint Chocolate Chip Brownies.
Happy Birthday K!!!! We Love you <3 <3 <3


  1. Happy Birthday K!

    Ten years is a long time! I can't imagine having a 10-year-old running around the house.

  2. My youngest is 10...a very delightful age! Tell your son that the Sister household wishes him a very happy birthday and a bright, sunshiny future! God bless!

  3. Happy birthday to your son! Double digits are very cool!

  4. I will pass on the birthday wishes :) It is a great age! Thank You all :)

  5. Happy birthday to your son! And those look insanely delicious.

  6. Happy bday to your baby boy... time does fly so fast! it's nuts, I am still only 24, so I have no idea how I ended up w/ a 12 year old, 12 is much too young to be a mom, LOL

  7. Happy Birthday, K!!!!!!!'s so hard to watch our babies grow up!!! Hope you (both) have a great day!!!!

  8. Thank you Ladies! It seems like you blink and they are at least a foot taller! Stacey I hear ya, there are days when I could swear I'm only 18 ;)

  9. Reading your blog is BAD for my diet!! LOL

    Happy Birthday to your big, little guy!

  10. Sorry Erica :) At least they didn't stay at my house long! LOL, Thank you :)

  11. thank you for walking me down my own memory lane. That first child, there's nothing like it... happy birthday to your little man...

  12. Happy birthday to the Little Man!! I hope you made enough brownies to share!! Those look scrumptious!!!

  13. Thank you all! The Birthday was wonderful, as were the brownies ;)

  14. I have something waiting for you over at my blog. Please stop by and pick it up.

  15. Happy Birthday K!

    Thanks for checking in on moi!.

  16. I left you an award on my blog! Stop by and pick it up when you have a chance!

  17. Alright, Ms. have an award for you, as well!!!

  18. ooooooo I do feel popular now! lol ;) Thanks all of you, I have been MIA in crazy land lately. :)
