Thursday, May 28, 2009

Candy Crazy!!!

I was totally excited when I checked out Monica's post on
Candy Cakes

Hers is beautiful you can check it out here -> ->->
She even did a step by step post on making one yourself, which is wonderful.
The reason this got me all excited, is that all Miss K asks for her Birthday or Christmas is gum, candy, & mints. How perfect of a Birthday Cake would this be for her!?!? So I did a picture search to see what other ones I could find, these were my favorites -

How much fun are these!! :)


  1. These are so much better than diaper cakes. :)

  2. Oh my goodness - I have never seen candy cakes - I MUST MAKE ONE.... thanks for sharing, I'm so excited, I need a darn birthday party to attend!!! Whooo Hooo - and yes, your daughter would love it!!

  3. Ooh, I like the first one for sure! I like the different levels of candy. The reason I made this is because both my brothers (ages 28 and 14) are both candy fiends- seriously. The younger one likes sugary stuff and the older one likes peanut butter stuff. In fact they both usually get some form of candy for Christmas every year :-)

    I'm glad you liked it and I hope your daughter does too!

  4. These look scrumpdidalyumtious!!!

  5. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I like all of them, but especially the first two!

  6. Awesome! I had never seen a candy cake before, now I have to make one!!!!

  7. Those are so cool. I am getting ready to make a diaper cake for my sister who is having her first baby in September.
