Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back in business

Finally we have internet! I have been going through some serious withdrawal without it, first thing I did was check my email- which was a little backed up, then my Blog :) I have missed my little Blog :)

I was wondering what to blog about when I saw that Willoughby left me an award : )
So that's what it will be. Thank you very much Willoughby! It's a very pretty one too!

So here it is-

And here are the rules-
  1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award
  2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog
  3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting
  5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
  6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate
  7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated

Thank you again Willoughby it was very sweet of you, speaking of sweet, you really need to checkout her Friday posts. Her last one was for a gorgeous 4th of July drink that looks amazing!

So... #1- check
#2- check
#3- check
#4- hmmm this might take a minute, lets see....

1- I dislike green pea's, unless they are fresh & raw.

2-I have only ever broken 2 bones, well technically 3, my big toe and 2 ribs, hmm they might have been only cracked though. When I was about 14 my horse started a new habit of rolling over, while I was riding her. Let's just say the first time it happened I wasn't prepared.

3-I had a poem published when I was 15, very exciting.

4-I like to write, someday I am going to actually finish something & become a famous author ;)

5-I love garage, rummage & yard sales. Second hand stores & antique shops.

6-I can't stand rodents of any kind. Snakes, lizards, spiders- I can handle, but mice give me the Heebie Jeebies. It wasn't something that bothered me much until I lived with my sister in Nebraska- next to a corn field. Her house was a new double wide, and spotlessly clean, but the mice took over. If you sat still for more than 5 minutes you would see them running all over. I think there was a couple days when she caught more than 15 of them in glue traps. gag gag gag.

7- I have been babysitting for longer than I can remember, first my younger siblings, then nieces & nephews. I nannied for awhile and now I have my own. While they drive me crazy at times, I prefer conversing with children much more than with adults. They have no pretense, they say what they think, no hiding things. You always know where you are at with them.

So there ya go, I don't know how interesting it was but there are 7 of them :)

Now I was MIA when all the award passing was going on so if you have been given it already I'm appoligizing in advance. I would like to pass this to-

1-Monica at Lick the Bowl Clean
2-Lynn at Lynn's Kitchen Life
3-Purple Hoodie Chick
4-The McCrazys
5-Kristen at Whatcha Eatin'

Ok now I am going to cheat a little because I know most of you already have this but I really enjoy all your blogs- so my #6 & #7 goes to all the rest of my blog friends who have already received it-

Marvelously Mundane
Muddy Runner
My Tasty Treasures
5th Sister
Who has the Thyme?
Yesterday's Tomorrow

I hope everyone's 4th was wonderful, we spent it with Family so of course it was wonderful! We have been getting our yard cleaned up, our new home has been a college kid house for years so the yard is quite a mess. We are enjoying it though.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. You're such a sweetheart! Welcome back! (I don't care much for rodents either)

  2. I have only broken one bone!

    BTW, I was looking back through the recipes you posted, getting ideas for a baby shower!

  3. 5th Sister- Thank you I'm so glad to be back!

    Kristina- I hope you found some great ones to use! Let me know which ones & how they turned out, I love doing baby showers! I just saw a cute treat using a decorated cake ball on the end of a sucker stick with a gumdrop on the other end and a ribbon tied on so it looked like a baby rattle, so cute. I think it was in a taste of home book.

  4. Hey there! Welcome back to cyberspace :) Rodents are pretty disgusting. Physically they don't creep me out but when I think of how nasty they are with all the bacteria and germs they're probably carrying - yuk!

  5. LB-
    ewwwww, they are gross aren't they! Supposedly turtles are pretty germy too, but they don't gross me out as bad

  6. Lissaloo! Thanks for the award! You are awesome!

  7. Lissaloo,
    I am so glad you are back...I missed you !

    Thanks for the award LOL !

  8. McCrazy & Lynn,
    You are both very welcome, I look forward to reading your 7 things!

  9. Missed you lady. So glad youre back and thank you for this lovely award.

  10. I'm glad you're back! I've missed your blog. How are liking the new house?

    I loved your list, number 5 especially. You and I could definitely have some fun cruising flea markets and antique sales.

    Thank you for the kind words about my blog. The layered drinks were so much fun! I had two Patriots on the 4th and they were excellent!

  11. Donna-
    I have so much catching up to do on here, lol :)

    The new house is nice, I am mostly unpacked. I love the layered drinks, they look so neat! :)

  12. Thanks for the sweet award! I'm glad you're back and can't wait to see what you post next!

  13. Welcome back, Lissaloo! I missed you!

    I hate rodents, too! I cannot stand to see them, even their pictures in a book. For me the movie "Stuart Little" was a thriller, LOL!

  14. Congrats on your award and getting internet back!

    Oh, my goodness I don't like rodents and would have gone crazy if I was your sister. Nope, I couldn't do it. My heart is racing thinking about it!

  15. Rodents are definitely one of the things I could live without :)

  16. Aw, yay thank you for the award! =]

  17. Oh, and I left you an award as well. The same one actually.=]

  18. PurpleHoodie-
    Your welcome and Thank You :) I will go check it out :)

  19. Thank you Lissaloo for passing this on to me!
