Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reading Time!

I am Co-Author of a brand new online book club! One of the other Authors is a great Blog Buddy of ours- Chicago Mom from What's for Dinner?
We are starting it this October, it's all set up and ready go!
As I have probably mentioned before I LOVE to READ! I might even love to read more than I love to cook, it's a pretty close tie :)
I know that some of my Blog Buddies are also book lovers so I wanted to invite all of you who would like to join us to come on over and read at-
One Book at a Time


  1. Oh, I am going to be a joiner...which I don't normally do, so you should feel blessed cuz that just shows you how much I likey likey you!

  2. lol, Thanks Lee! I likey likey you too, Closet Crafting Queen! :) :)

  3. I would LOVE to join but I'm not sure I could get half of the books I would need too! I still check it out tho.

  4. PH Chick- We would love to have you for which ever of the books you can find!
