Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gluten-Free Goodies

This post is for my friend Serena, her youngest is allergic to almost every food on the planet, poor kid :(
So I turned my cornbread recipe into a gluten-free one for her, then I went one step further and made them into corndog muffins.
I got the recipe for corndog muffins from Monica's Blog- Lick The Bowl Good. She has a ton of really wonderful recipes, and gorgeous pictures. Here is a link to her recipe- LINKY.
And here is my cornbread recipe-

Gluten-Free Cornbread

1/2c. butter
1/4c. sugar
1/4c. honey
2 eggs
1/2t. salt
2c. corn flour
1c. corn meal
1/2t. b. powder
1c. milk
1c. corn
1t. dried parsley- optional
1/4t. chili powder- optional

Oven 400
Beat together the butter, sugar, honey, eggs and salt. Mix in the flour, cornmeal and b. powder. Once that's combined mix in milk and corn. Bake in 2 greased muffin tins, for 15-20 minutes. Or you can go over to Monica's Blog and turn them into corn dog muffins :)

This got 7 thumbs up, 4 from the Kiddos, and 3 thumbs up from my Hubby- how he got 3 thumbs is beyond me. But it seemed to be a hit :)

(Serena when you make this you can substitute egg replacer for the eggs,
I hope you guys like it :)


  1. There is a bakery in northern Utah that only serves gluten free items. And honestly, they are some of the best things I have eaten. I couldn't believe it.

  2. I don't know a single kid that would turn down anything with "corndog" in the title! Good job on creating a new recipe!

  3. I'm glad you made these your own by making them gluten free. I'm sure your friend and her daughter appreciate you!

    Ooh I might to make these again :-)

  4. That was so sweet of you to make something to work with her dietary needs!
