Saturday, January 2, 2010

Its 200!!!!!!

This is my 200th post, I am pretty excited about that :) :) :)
I have been blogging for over a year now and have done 200 posts in that time, Woo hoo!!

So for my 200th post giveaway I have decided to give-

1- 7x7 Christmas (or Holiday of your choice) mini Scrapbook
1- 7x7 Themed mini Scrapbook of your choice
And a pkg of 5 assorted homemade Birthday Cards

All homemade by me, so-
To enter my giveaway please leave me a comment telling me how you first found my blog and, if you can remember, the first post you read on it. Thanks to all of you for following, commenting and for being such great blog Buddies. You have all made it wonderful :)
I will have 1 of the Kiddos draw a Winner on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010.

I am sharing my very first blog post with you, I received exactly 0 comments on it so that shouldn't be hard to top should it :) :) :)

Some of my Favorite Quotes-
November 18, 2008

Dont cry because its over. smile because it happened -- Dr. Seuss

"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."C.S. Lewis quote

"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."C.S. Lewis quote

"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."C.S. Lewis quote

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.

Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.

If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.

Jane Austen

"Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." -Robert Fulghum

"Remember this - that very little is needed to make a happy life." -Marcus Aurelius

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Seuss


  1. Happy 200 to you!!! My very next post is my 200 too! I found your blog when Monica of Lick the Bowl Good posted your great recipe for the bbq chicken in the crockpot. I've made that recipe a ton of times and love how easy it is. Love the giveaway!

  2. Thanks Kim!
    Congrats on your 200! :)

  3. Hey Lissa! I don't actually remember how I first read you but I am guessing it was from the All Recipes request forum, because that is how I started this whole thing too! : )
    Congrats on your 200th! You are a MUCH better poster than I am! I don't even know how many I have done... but now I want to go check! : )
    Happy New Year!!

  4. ok I just went to check and I only have 77... and a good portion of those are just in draft form!! : )(I got too lazy to actually count how many without the drafts!!)
    But I looked and I think that it is funny that you and I posted our first blogs on the same day! : )

  5. Congrats! I don't remember how I found your blog! It's been a long time. You might have found mine first.

  6. Congratulations to you on your 200th post!!! Fabulous, I have no idea how I found you but I'm sure glad I did. Love reading your blog and seeing all those delicious goodies you cook!

  7. Happy 200! I came across your blog while "blog-hopping" ... back in early September. The first blog post I read was about the salt & sugar scrubs you made! I've been a happier follower ever since. :o)

  8. Wow! Congrats on 200 posts! I love those quotes, thanks for sharing. I have been racking my brain, trying to remember how I found you, but I can't. You may have found me first, I really don't remember. Sorry! But I love ya!

  9. congrats on 200! awesome achievement and awesome give away! LOL, I can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog or what was the first one I read, LOL. but I think what drew me to your blog was that you had lived in Montana :)


  10. Congrats Lisaloo.. I remember finding your blog via willoughby, I believe the post was about children driving you nuts, I remember becuz I told you about how mine hid my broccoli out in the front yard after a long shopping trip.

  11. I've been reading you for a while now. I think I fould your blog because you commented on mine and you're so sweet so I kept coming back :-) I really don't remember which post it was though.

    Happy 200th post Lissaloo!

  12. Woo-whooo...200 posts! I am not sure how I found you...I think you found me, and then I found you. Whichever way it happened, I am SO HAPPY I found you!!!!

    I love these quote, especially the one about children watching you by Fulghum.

    That's funny I have about 5 posts with 0 comments...and I remember not knowing what to do when I finally had a comment!

    Your giveaway looks fantastic!

    Happy New Year!

  13. Hi Lissaloo, ur blog is really fantastic and Interesting, u should promote it, I knew a website called for advertising and marketing, They are offering very unique features with cheap prices. They will promote ur blog through all over the network, all u have to do is choose ur pack plus pay affordable prices and rest leave it to blogerzoom advertising team to promote ur blog in every network. And see how u enjoy a lot of traffic while blogging. Finally happy new year to u and ur family...

  14. Happy 200 & Happy New Year!

    I can't remember a time when I wasn't reading your blog! I think you were one of the people that inspired me to start my own!

  15. I love quotes! And I believe you found me! Or maybe I found you! Either way I believe it was through Willoughby! lol Congrats on your 200! I love you blog!!!!

  16. You visited my blog and started following. I returned the favor and the first post was a recipe that I don't remember. I think it was a soup recipe.

  17. You guys are so Sweet, thanks for all the great comments. I have such a Great group of Blog Buddies, that's really what has kept me blogging. Thank you all! :)

  18. Congrats Lissaloo...quite an accomplishment !

    I'm kinda late to the party but not too late !

    I found you...I don't remember might have been when you first found one of my blogs and I came over to yours for a visit. You are one of my best blog always give me a happy lift to my day when you comment and I just love your blog and all the family fun and activities you share ! Here's to many more great posts....I'll be here enjoying every minute I spend reading ! LOL

  19. Lissaloo! Your blog is always an enjoyable read. We were buddies from back in the AR exchange days and I gave you some tips on blogging before you started. I believe your blog was first before the little group of AR peeps got to blogging. Anyway, cool giveaway and congrats on 200.
