No recipes today just a few special awards and a Tag :) :)

I received this Tag from my friend over at
Who has the Thyme?She very sweetly passed it on to me, the rules to this are pretty simple-
If you are tagged you must list five things that make you a
true, authentic mom, and then pass along the tag to five other deserving moms.
My list of five reason why I think I am The True Authentic Mom are-
1- I have said the dreaded- "because I'M the MOM that's why!!!" phrase more than I can count.
2- When I am given free time away from my darling monsters, in the back of my mind I am STILL obsessing and worrying about what they are doing, and if they are OK.
3- I can talk on the phone, help 3 kids with homework, make dinner, find a missing shoe, bake cookies for the bake sale, and yell at the dog all at the same time.
4- I know where to find everything that everyone is missing. Now if only I could find my OWN stuff, or brain, or SANITY!
5-I dread the day when my youngest turns 18 and leaves my nest. When I will no longer be needed to find a lost shoe, or give a healing hug/kiss, or help with homework. When I have no little sticky hand to hold or face to wash. When my Babies are all grown-up I don't know what I will do with myself. I have been a mother my entire adult life, from the time I was 18 so it will be quite a new phase in my life.
Now I was out of the loop when this was being given out so if you have already received this award I apologize. I am passing this on to 5 THETA Moms who inspire me :)
Betty- who guides her son with a gentle loving hand, I am learning from her that I need to not hold on too tightly to my children, I need to let them grow and stretch, try and fail, live and learn- Thank you Betty.
Chicago Mom- her daughter is her number one concern and her life revolves around her, she has such a sweet giving spirit, it shines through each and every post she writes- Thank you CM.
My Tasty Treasures- for her amazing juggling abilities, she juggle all those kids, cooking, blogging, working AND keeping her love life hot at all times. I have gotten TONS of great new favorite recipes from her wonderful blog- Thank you Donna.
Stir fry Awesomeness- I don't know how you do all you do, you are a great inspiration to me, also I have no clue what I would do with 2 crazy boys :) Plus she always finds time to leave me sweet comments- Thank you Kys.
Willoughby- she and her children seem so close, and they have so much fun together I love that. Her blog always has something beautiful going on and she taught me that its OK to laugh at myself because soon it will be only a funny memory- Thank You Willoughby.
I was gifted these 2 awards by 5th Sister, Thank you!
She is another Blogging Mother that I look up to.

The rules for this one are-
- put the lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
- nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- link the nominees within your post.
- let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.I am passing this on to-
1-Holly at
504 Main- Her attitude, like her blog, is always beautiful.
A dash of life- Always posts with such a great attitude, no matter what life has thrown her way.
Bashful Toast- she is just such a sweetie. there is always fun stuff on her blog- which I am still having problems getting too!
In the kitchen with Holly- Always has a sweet attitude.
Lick the Bowl Clean- her posts, pictures and comments are always so thoughtful and kind, plus she bakes cake for everyone! I wish I lived closer :)
Menopausal new Mom- a new friend that I am getting to know, she seems to take whatever life is throwing at her in stride with a happy attitude.
Headaches, Hotflashes, & Hormones- Her humorous attitude towards life always makes my day brighter.
RaoulysGirl- Her passionate attitude always get me fired up.
Muddy Runner- always motivates and inspires me whether it's in the kitchen, being healthier or the amazing job he does with his daughters. I also like to think of him as my Blogging Mentor, he inspired me to start blogging.
good things come to those who blog- Her quirky, fun, New Zealand turned American humor is always fun.

This last one goes out to you all! 5th Sister said it so well on her blog, All of the blogs I follow and that follow me blog from their hearts, you are all AMAZING! Thank you all for making my blogging experience so Wonderful :) :)
Alrighty then, I am off to bake some cookies- yummy! :) :) :)