There have been a lot of Blogs about Crazy Cartoons, and I just felt like I had to add in my 2 cents :) We are very, and I mean VERY picky about what our Kiddos are aloud to watch. As they have gotten older, we have relaxed about it somewhat but are still quite picky. And usually I will go on my gut feelings. If we have rented a movie and somewhere into it I start to feel that it is going somewhere inappropriate, my Kiddos love that word, then I have no qualms about turning it off. Now I won't say that this doesn't upset them but they have gotten to where they are usually in agreement with me.
When B was in kindergarten she came home upset one day because for snack one of the Kids brought in little individual pkged baby carrots with Sponge Bob pictures on the pkging. Now in our house Sponge bob is considered somewhat of an R rated thing. When we lived in Student Family Housing we received free Cable TV, the Kiddos who were 6, 5, 3, and 1 then would be watching say- Dora the Explora and when that ended Sponge bob, or any other unapproved nasty cartoon would pop on, you would hear shouts of MOM!!!!! Sponge bob is on!!!!!!- They would be in total panic to change the channel or turn off the TV, it was pretty cute. And even now, we get public TV and they watch PBS Kids, if a show comes on that they don't know about they will turn it off and come ask if I think it's ok.
I do realize that as they get older I will probably have some problems with this, but I hope that they will have learned by then to have some discretion about what they choose to watch. There is already so much bad out there that I can't protect them from, I feel that in Our home things should be as free from all that as I can possibly make it.
My Kiddos have never watched Cartoon Network, there is nothing on there that I feel they need to have in their heads. I remember renting a Tweety Bird video for them when they were small, I thought ya know Tweety Bird, cute little bird. should be fine right??? OK- right away the Bird is beating the you know what out of the Cat!! What the heck! So that one backfired on me and I learned my lesson.
My In-Laws, Siblings and yes even my own MOTHER think that I am silly to not let them watch things such as Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Tom and Jerry, just to name a few. And I have so many friends who insist that Sponge bob is a little kids cartoon, age 2?????, I will stick to my own judgment, Thank You.
I have learned to just smile and shake my head when it comes up. You never realize before you have Children what a HUGE responsibility it is! You get to be responsible for everything that goes into them, not only their body but their minds. Being a parent is definitely not easy.

Favorite Kid movies for us- Veggie Tales, we love 'em :)