I have been honored with a review by the
Blog Brew Review.
How cool is that! You need to check it out, I have already found a couple of great new blogs to follow :) The link to read my review is
HERE, I hope you will go check it out- like I said, very Cool.
I received 2 new awards this one is from
5th Sister -

Thanks you 5th Sister! I want to pass this on to-
Menopausal New MomHolly- from In the Kitchen with Holly, her blog
The Tipsy Cook is also Hot :)
Erin- from
The Mother LoadI received this award-

Holly at 504 Main, Thank you Holly!!
With this award I need to tell you 10- I think it was 10, random things about me- so here is me being random :)
1-I learned to bake bread and rolls when I was about 9 or 10, I took yeast breads in 4-H and got a blue ribbon at the fair for my loaf of bread :)
2-I hate chickens, I don't even enjoy eating chicken. Growing up we had to help clean out the chicken house, gag, gag, even the memory makes me gag. Chickens are just nasty, they poop everywhere, leave their lice filled feathers everywhere and even bite- or should that be peck- people. Nasty.
3-I HATE conflict, I can't do it, I am a run away and hide person. Unless my children are involved and then I am the mother bear.
4-I like things to be even, symmetrical, matching, I have issues- it's probably stems from having to clean out the chicken house :)
5-I can't stand clutter, it drives me nuts- I like everything to be neatly in it's place- I guess that goes along with #4- Dang those Chickens!
6-I LOVE to read, I can read a good size-200/300 page novel in a day or 2 if it's good. I will stay up all night if I have to :)
7-I cook when I am antsy or frustrated, so if you come over and my cookie jar is overflowing- Watch Out!
8-I carved my first pumpkin this year, ever since I was a small child the smell of raw pumpkin has made me very ill- no clue why. So usually when Hubby and the kids carve pumpkins I go shopping. This year I braved it and helped out- I had a migraine for a couple days but I survived and it was kind of fun- in a gross, slimy sort of way.
9-I LOVE the smell of Coffee, it reminds me of my Grandpa. I like to stroll slowly down the coffee isle at the Grocery Store and I get my Coffee fix that way :)
10-Blogging has turned out to be so much more fun that I could ever have thought, I never would have thought I could do this- I am hopeless with the computer- but I figured it out as I went and am still learning new things. Blogging is Awesome :):):):)
I am passing this onto some Sweet Blogs-
Kim- Stirring the Pot2-
Kys - Stir-fry Awesomness
Bashful Toast4-
Nut in a Nutshell5-
Monica- Lick the bowl Good
Donna- My Tasty Treasures
Chicago Mom- What's for Dinner?
5th Sister9-
Willougby- This stop Willoughby
Raouly's Girl- Who has the Thyme?
5th Sister posted a fun one this morning- at least I think it was this morning, my day has been a bit crazy today.
Anyway what you do is
Google your first name and "needs". Then type the 1st 15 headings as your "needs".
1-Lissaloo needs Loopy Knitters
2-Lissaloo needs a Spunky Monkey Profile (that's scary)
3-Lissaloo needs Krafting with Kids
4-Lissaloo needs Help! I need to immigrate! (lol, nice)
5-Lissaloo needs a fencing contractor
Thanks 5th Sister that was a blast!
I only did 5 this post is already on the longish- (my Pooh Bear word of the day)- side :)
Onto the rest of my "intriguing" post title description- I am pleased with all the Great awards and the Cool review.
BUT I am frustrated with my little Miss M, frustrated may be putting it a bit light, she is driving me downright crazy!!!!! I can't remember when the last time she slept in her own bed all night was, and getting her to take a bath has become a daily battle. Screaming, crying battle.
You may need a little background info, Miss M has SI- Sensory Integration Disorder, it's a form of Autism.
When she was a baby I knew there was something different about her, but when I brought it up with her pediatrician she just told me it was fine, it's just colic or teething or general crabbiness. But her being my 4th child I wasn't buying that, we had been through all of those things and this didn't fit.
When my phone would ring- she would cry hysterically, when the door bell rang- she would cry hysterically, when I tried to bath her- she would cry hysterically, when sweet little old ladies in the grocery store would smile at her- yeah you got it- she would cry hysterically.
I couldn't vacuum the floor or listen to music, it was crazy. When Miss M was about 1 her pediatrician moved and we went to a new one, who knew right off the bat what I was talking about, because her 9 year old son has the same thing. While there is nothing to be done except teach her that things are ok and not get frustrated with her- um yeah- but there definitely is an issue.
She has gotten over the fear of strangers and is now too the extreme the other way where everyone is her friend. She still hides from the vacuum, won't let me get farther than a room away after I put her to bed, and is now insisting the bathtub drain is going to get her.
During the day when it's just me and her at home she is my shadow and never lets me out of eyesight. But if we are out shopping and she is little Miss Free Spirit. I am at my wits end.
On the other hand she is extremely bright, she started talking before she was a year old, by 1-1/2 she was stringing together sentences and by 2 it was all old hat. Somedays I can only wish for silence. The child is super smart, her favorite game in the car is Spelling, I give her a 3 letter word and she spells it.
Anyhow I guess I will just have to take the good, with the crazy. Sorry for being a complainer, I got it off my chest though and now I'm better.
Oh yeah, I have been wondering- some of you have blog names/fake names and sometimes your real names pop up and I never know how you feel about other people using your real names but I wanted to ask. If you have feeling one way or another please let me know.
I am cordially yours-
Lissaloo ( which is one of my nick names in real life- sad huh? ) Or just plain Lissa :)