I was lucky enough to receive a couple of awards from my Bloggy Friends the first one is the-

Passionate Blogger Award, Which I received from Katie and also from Raouly- Thank You Ladies :)
The Rules for this Award are-
1. Put the logo in your blog
2. Write five things you are passionate about apart from blogging
3. Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.
Five Things?????hmmmmm......
Well number one would definitely have to be---
1- My Family
My Children, Husband, Parents, Siblings, Grandparents- the list goes on & on. I adore my children with all my heart, they make every day special. Plus they keep me laughing :) I love my Hubby, we are going on 11 years this year. I don't know what I would do without my Sisters, they keep me sane, somewhat :) I have such a wonderful extended family that I can't even tell you how blessed I am, I am one lucky Girl :) And yes I said Girl, I haven't hit the big 30 yet :)
2- Crafting
I love to create things, whether it be scrapbooking, sewing, painting, crafts with the Kids, whatever I love it.
Which is just another way of creating, I love it when my house is full of yummy smells. My Cousin and I have been getting together to make fancy appetizers, I love to make cute little desserts and appetizers :) And soup, Soup would have to be my most favorite thing to make, any kind, Soup is the best.
I can see my Hubby cringing as he reads this, sorry Hunny, I love my State. I love the Mountains and the People. I love being so close to nature that is visits your backyard, I love to see all the green in summer & all the white in the winter. I don't enjoy being too warm so the climate is perfect for me.
There is nothing like a GOOD book, & it's sad that there are so few out there. You know one, that sucks you in- makes you laugh, cry, and never want to put it down or for it to end. I have always wanted to write a book, it's on my Some Day List :)
So now I get to pass this on to 5 bloggers, sorry if you have already received this, it just means you're extra passionate! lol.
1- Raouly- for her passion for politics, & news, thanks for keeping me informed!
Who Has The Thyme?2-Willoughby- for her passion for Life, I so enjoy reading her posts they never fail to brighten my day.
This Stop Willoughby3-Lynn- for her passion for saving, thanks for all the great tips!!
Mom's Loot4-Monica- for all her passion for beautiful food, I have gotten so many WONDERFUL recipes from her!
Lick The Bowl Good5- Gracey- for her passion for her country, she writes such beautiful posts that you feel that you are there visiting it with her!
A Dash Of LifeThe 2nd Award is the meme award-

Given to me by Willoughby, Thank you Lady :)
The rules for this one are as follows-
I must post the award on my blog
List seven personality traits of mine
Pass the award to seven other bloggers
1- Neat Freak-
I HATE having things out of place, I drive my family bonkers I'm sure. If my house isn't clean and organized it drives ME bonkers. I feel that everything has a place and that's where it ought to be, lol.
If I don't have a particular thing in mind I can't decide. Like what to eat, cook, wear, buy. I will pick up and put down the same thing about 4 times before I can decide it's ok. I will often buy something get it home and decide it really wasn't the right choice and take it back. Driving with me is a lot of fun at times as well :)
I want everyone to be happy and get along, I HATE confrontations. I will bend over backwards to keep the peace.
4- Stubborn-
It's that inner 2 year old I talk about, I like to do things my way & usually by MYSELF! lol
I am a pretty happy person.
I have Social anxiety, I have a really hard time meeting new people and going to new places. Very Stressful.
Blogger: One Step at a Time - Edit Post "Award Time :)"7-Optomistic-
I like to think the best of things, because really, how does it help to not???
There ya go 7 of my goofy personality traits.
The 7 people that I would like to pass this to are-
Muddy Runner2-Erica-
A Dramaqueens's Guide To Life3-Crystal-
Don't Try Her4-R Max-
Good Things Come To Those Who Blog5-Tammy-
Ponderosa Jr.6-
Frugal MommaNow I gotta go sort through some boxes, moving day is coming ya know :)